Executive Briefing

Elevating AI Communication | DEC Executive Briefing #011




AI communication in higher education is currently falling short, with 86% of students unaware of their university's AI guidelines (Digital Education Council Global AI Student Survey 2024).

In this Executive Briefing, we will focus on another crucial pillar of the DEC AI Governance Framework: Communication. We will provide an overview of how institutions worldwide currently manage AI-related communication and offer guidelines for developing an effective communication strategy.

Our experts will address topics related to internal communication strategies, such as determining the optimal levels of disclosure regarding AI use, the channels for communicating AI guidelines and receiving feedback, the language used to describe AI models and applications, and other key elements of effective AI communication. Additionally, this briefing will offer guidelines on customising communication across different AI use categories, from open use to prohibited use.

As AI usage evolves, the Council projects a growing need for institutions to reshape the external narrative around the use of AI by both institutions and students. This will be particularly important in addressing concerns related to cheating, falsification, and identity fraud facilitated by AI. It won’t be enough to publish policies - institutions will need to increasingly engage with governments and regulators, employers, parents, and the media to mitigate risks to the social licence.

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Alessandro Di Lullo

CEO, Digital Education Council
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Danny Bielik

President, Digital Education Council
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Speakers Include

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Ajit Chauhan

Amity University Online
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Alain Goudey

Associate Dean for Digital
NEOMA Business School
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Alessandro Di Lullo

Chief Executive Officer
Digital Education Council
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Alexandros Papaspyridis

Advisory Board Member
5G Ventures
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Cherie Diaz

Executive Director
Education Innovation
Western Sydney University
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Claire Field

Claire Field & Associates
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Danny Bielik

Digital Education Council
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David Hardoon

Chief Executive Officer
Aboitiz Data Innovation
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David Lefevre

Professor of Practice
Digital Innovation
Imperial College Business School
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Douglas Arner

Kerry Holdings Professor in Law
The University of Hong Kong
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Erfan Mojaddam

Deputy Chief Academic Technology Officer
Director of Learning Technologies and Spaces
University of California, Berkeley
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Hanyan Goh

National AI Group
Ministry of Digital Development and Information
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Himanshu Rai

Indian Institute of Management-Indore
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Ivan Bofarull

Chief Innovation Officer
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Joon Nak Choi

Adjunct Associate Professor
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
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Laurence Liew

AI Innovation
AI Singapore
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Magdalene Loh

Head of Strategy and Innovation
Prudential Singapore
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Michael Low

Deputy Director
Curriculum Development & Digitalisation
SMU Academy
Singapore Management University
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Nancy Turner

Associate Vice Provost
Teaching and Learning
University of Saskatchewan
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Nick Barniville

Founder of Gomera TechEdtech
Advisor at ESMT Berlin
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Robin Ajdari

Head of Data, Innovation-Experimentation
and Digital Transformation
ESSEC Business School
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Rohit Verma

Darla Moore School of Business
University of South Carolina
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Pradeep Varakantham

Singapore Management University
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Sean McMinn

Center for Education Innovation
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
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Simon Chesterman

Vice Provost (Educational Innovation)
National University of Singapore
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Simon Sheather

University of Kentucky
Gatton College of Business and Economics
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Suzanne Dove

Assistant Vice President
Strategy & Innovation
Bentley University
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Timothy Clark

Singapore Management University
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Trisha Suresh

Head of Public Policy and Economic Graph
Southeast Asia
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Venky Shankararaman

Vice Provost (Education)
Singapore Management University
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Wan-Ying Tay

First Vice President
Learning and Development
United Overseas Bank