Artificial Intelligence

A Framework to Understand AI: Classification of Tools and Impact


The Digital Education Council

March 18, 2024

AI is a long-term phenomenon that is already having an impact, even though DEC considers technologies and applications to be at infancy stage. As universities explore potential applications and ramifications, we have developed a practical framework to categorise AI applications in higher education. 

As these AI-powered technologies evolve, the framework can serve as a useful lens for universities to make decisions about implementation.

Following our framework, AI applications can be grouped according to five core objectives: Automate, Discover, Personalise, Predict, and Include. 

Automate: Driving Efficiency and Cost Saving

AI can aid to streamline or transform administrative processes and allow human resources to concentrate on more strategic tasks and student-facing services. 

Machine Learning algorithms are particularly powerful when it comes to automating repetitive tasks such as grading assessments and generating content. 

AI-powered chatbots are finding real-life applications in student support. Our research shows that AI chatbots are largely used to handle basic requests or to provide first-layer tutoring support, expanding student contact without increasing headcount.


Discover: Unveiling Insights Through Data

AI tools assist in revealing patterns, trends, and relationships between data - a capability that is invaluable in higher education, where understanding the learning patterns of students can lead to more informed decision-making. 

By providing actionable insights, AI tools can help educators tailor their teaching strategies to better meet the needs of their students, ultimately enhancing both the learning experience and academic performance.

Personalise: Enhancing Engagement 

By gathering data from various sources machine learning tools can create dynamic user profiles that improve over time as the user interacts with the systems. 

This personalised approach can allow for customisation of learning content and paths, as well as the delivery of real-time feedback tailored to the individual learner. 

Predict: Identifying Future Patterns 

By analysing patterns and trends, AI tools can make assessments about potential future outcomes, such as identifying at-risk students for early intervention or predicting job demand and required skills for better employability. 

This foresight enables educators to adjust their strategies and resources to better prepare students for their future careers, contributing to more effective and impactful education.

Include: A Gateway to Inclusive Education

Inclusivity and accessibility widen the impact of education to more people with different learning needs, and AI can play a pivotal role in addressing these needs. 

For example, AI tools can assist to repurpose content in different forms for students with disabilities, or provide real-time language translation.